About me 👨🏽‍💻

Born in Chitré, Panamá 🇵🇦 in 1995, I’m somewhat of a cross between millennials and Gen Z’ers. That means I understand some of today’s memes. Since I was young, computers have been a part of my life, and I’m grateful I work with them daily—A dream scenario!

Software engineering aside, you can find me outdoors, working out (gym/cycling), playing games (Age Of Empires IV, Forza Horizon 5, Magic: The Gathering), planning the next travel destination, or thinking about what to learn next. I’m currently learning Portuguese, music theory, and content creation.

When it comes to tools and technologies, I believe they’re there to help you solve problems, nothing else. I also don’t have strong opinions about developer decisions when choosing a tech stack. Everything has a purpose; if it helps you solve a problem, that’s what matters.

P.S. I'm definitely not a robot 🤖 To prove it, here are some pictures of me over the past few years!